So you want to be an officer:
Officers attend regular meetings to discuss team business, and handle frequent emails.
Contact someone for access to the wiki page, where you can learn all about it.
Officers and Duties
A. President : The President shall preside at meetings, enforce the laws and
regulations for the organization, and shall carry out the will of the members. He/She
shall be an ex officio member of all committees. The President is also to represent
the Purdue Ballroom Dance Club in an official capacity when necessary. The
President shall be responsible for all correspondence relating to Purdue Ballroom
Dance Club business. The President shall be responsible for all preparations for the
Purdue Ballroom Dance Club meetings and their agendas. The President shall have
the power to create committees and appoint members to serve on those committees.
The President shall supervise the work of the committees and assist them in their
business and reports. The President may delegate committee supervision to other
Purdue Ballroom Dance Club members or officers when necessary and appropriate.
The President shall properly register the Purdue Ballroom Dance Club with the
Business Office for Student Organizations and the Student Activities and
Organizations Office. At the start of every semester, the President shall file the
necessary Event Planning Forms. The President is responsible for the setting up and
running social club events. The President shall be responsible for the content and
design of the home page on the world-wide-web.
B. Vice-President : The Vice-President assists the President in the performance of
the President’s duties. In addition, the Vice-President is responsible for reserving
time at the Boiler Gold Rush and UnionFest activities fairs. The Vice-President will
maintain a duplicate set of CDs for both the Club and Team. The Vice-President will
keep contact with other Ballroom Dance clubs throughout the area. The Vice-
President is also responsible for organizing a Callout every Fall and Spring semester.
C. Secretary : The secretary shall keep minutes for all meetings and forward copies
of those minutes to the officers mailing list. The secretary shall also be responsible
for keeping the Social Club email list and roster current as well as making nametags
for the Social Club members. In addition, the secretary will create a poster board for
the activities fair and reserve and decorate a showcase as an advertisement for the
callouts and competition.
D. Treasurer : The Treasurer shall be responsible for all Team and Club financial
transactions. This is to include acceptance of dues and giving a receipt to all persons
making a dues payment. The treasurer keeps accounts, deposits the organization’s
funds, and makes expenditures in a manner approved by the Business Office for
Student Organizations.
E. Team Co-Captains: Team Captains are responsible for collection of dues and
keeping record of membership of the Team. They are responsible for maintaining
communication with team coaches and ensuring that contracts and check requests
are in order. Team Captains are responsible for reserving rooms for Team Practices,
ensuring music is set up for every practice, ensuring that Team Members and
Coaches are notified of lesson and practice venues, and making sure lessons run
smoothly. In addition, Team Captains are responsible for filling in Travel Planning
Forms for competitions and ensuring Team Checks are mailed in. They are also
responsible for the design and order of Team Merchandise. Team Captains will keep
in contact with other Ballroom Dance Teams.
F. Executive Board: Appointed by the President
1. Competition Coordinator: The Competition Coordinator will be responsible
for planning and running the Purdue Ballroom Classic. His/her responsibilities
include, but are not limited to, the procurement and care of the competition
officials (i.e. judges, adjudicators, scrutinizers, disc jockey, and a Master of
Ceremonies), procurement and care of all facilities required for the event,
advertisement of event to potential participants, collection of all entries and
entry fees, procurement and care of potential advertising agencies to
supplement the cost of the competition, and in cooperation with the
Treasurer, the maintenance of up-to-date financial records for the event. The
Competition Coordinator is given the ability to create a Competition
Committee from members of the officers' staff as well as the general
population of the Team and Club. The Competition Coordinator can delegate
any and all responsibilities to the members of the Competition Committee.
2. Webmaster: The Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining and
updating the organization order klonopin online website. This duty includes providing updated
information of organizational events and activities and promptly posting
pictures of members at organization activities.
3. Social Chair: The Social Chair shall be responsible for both organizing and
obtaining space for dances and social activities for the Team and Club during
his/her term. The Social Chair shall assist the Competition Coordinator in
planning a welcome dance preceding Purdue Competitions. The main
objective of this position is to welcome new members to the Team and Club
through various activities.

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